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    Other Side Of Maleficent

    I have been looking forward to Maleficent with equal amounts of anticipation and dread. On one hand, she is easily my favorite Disney villain, so cold and so pure, and I want desperately to see more of her and her back-story. On the other hand, she is easily my favorite Disney villain, and I would hate to see her parodied, taken lightly or ultimately destroyed in a film that does not understand this great character. The good news is that this film almost gets it right; but that is also the bad news.

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    Warner Brings Back Animated Stone-Age Family

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    Renegades of Animation: Pat Sullivan

    Pat Sullivan became famous worldwide for his creation of Felix the Cat. What most animation histories gloss over is Sullivan’s checkered past and longtime standing as a wildcat renegade. He didn’t follow the rules. And he made damn sure to fully protect his intellectual properties.

Top 100 HB Couples.

Discussion in 'Hanna-Barbera' started by emeraldisle, Feb 14, 2015.

  1. emeraldisle

    emeraldisle Moderator Staff Member I SUPPORT BCDB!

    Nov 3, 2013
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    How else to celebrate Valentine's Day than to present the 100 greatest Hanna-Barbera couples of all time? Whether they were married or high school sweethearts, the studio had them by the score. Here they are:

    100. Miles Standoffish and Priscilla, "Peter Potamus." I put this couple at the bottom because of the way their marriage worked out. She agreed to marry him after seeing he was a good provider, thanks to Pete's Hippo Hurricane Holler. So what happened? She made him do all the housework. He blamed Pete, and went after him, rifle in hand. Priscilla chased him, throwing dishes at him, and saying, "Don't you hear me nagging you?" In other words, they were the least romantic couple.

    99. Elmo and Norma Rockbottom, "The Flintstones." This couple was seen only once, in the episode "Daddies Anonymous." It seemed to me that all Elmo cared about was playing poker with Fred, Barney, and the other dads, and preventing Norma from seeing he'd taken Pebbles by mistake. It's no surprise that they were never seen again.

    98. Shaggy and Googie, "Scooby-Doo And The Reluctant Werewolf." It was odd enough that Shaggy had a girlfriend in this made-for-TV movie. But even odder is that she didn't return after it aired. Did she and Shaggy break up offscreen or something?

    97. Ronald Radford and Betty Harkness, "The Thing." Betty was self-centered and vain. Ronald was the richest boy in town, and downright snobbish. They were truly made for each other. But I think the show would have done just fine with just Benjy and Kelly.

    96. Manfred and Chlorhydris, "The Smurfs." Chlorhydris's reason for hating love was revealed in the episode "Chlorhydris's Lost Love." She thought Manfred had deserted her, but Vanity and Sassette located him imprisoned in a cave by another sorceress. Once he was freed, he and Chlorhydris were reunited at last. But, sad to relate, he accidentally sat on her black hate arrows, and left her for good. Too bad, for had that not happened, she might have given up her evil ways.

    95. Maximus and Minimus Mole. "Superfriends." Spelunkers by trade, but hardly romantic. Mini kept berating Max for his absentmindedness, and was only concerned about pilfering the diamonds they found in the underground world, and getting walking trees and rocks to steal air conditioners(!)

    94. Ricochet Rabbit and Bunny Hug, "Ricochet Rabbit." The sheriff was delighted that his third grade sweetheart was coming to see him. But eventually, she left him for an outlaw rabbit. Go figure.

    93. Bad Luck Schleprock and Raquel Wallflower, "The Flinstones Comedy Hour." These two realized they were a perfect couple when Raquel revealed her ability to make pictures fall off the wall. They probably left Bedrock to start a new life, since this was their last appearance.

    92. Ed and Marge Huddles, "Where's Huddles?" They were poor substitutes for Fred and Wilma, judging from what I've read.

    91. Bubba and Penny McCoy, "Where's Huddles?" Same deal with 92 above.

    90. Tor and Sheera, "Mighty Mightor." Tor clearly saw himself as Sheera's guy, but she thought otherwise. Even though she never found out he was Mightor, she still should have given him a chance, don't you agree?

    89. Joe and Rita Rockhead, "The Flintstones." These friends of the title characters were only seen sporadically. It would have been nice to see them in every episode.

    88. Melville Muchrocks and Pearl Slaghoople, "The Flinstones." It seemed like the perfect relationship. But due to a misunderstanding, Muchrocks was mistaken for a criminal, and loaded onto a train. Only after this, did Fred and Wilma see a picture of the real criminal. But though Pearl decided to track down her man, she changed her mind when Fred hurt himself. Had I written this episode, I'd have opted for a happy ending.

    87. Apollo Blue and Judy Jetson, "Jetsons: The Movie." Their affair only lasted as long as the movie. On top of that, Jane interrupted their date, asking them to look for Elroy.

    86. King Waddler and Diabolyn, "Wildfire." In the episode "King For A Day," Diabolyn's wish for a king came true. They came very close to marriage, but when Diabolyn kissed His Majesty....well, see for yourself.

    85. Colonel Beauregard and Magnolia, "The New Scooby-Doo Mysteries." These were more than just people in disguise. At the end of the episode, the real ghosts of the couple materialized, and found eternal love.

    84. Bitto and Princess Tina, "The New Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn." Bitto loved Princess Tina, but couldn't marry her since he was a commoner. But in the end, the king appointed him Lord Bitto so that he could marry the princess legally.

    83. Picklick and Guardiana, "The Smurfs." Although Picklick set his sights on Smurfette at first, he ended up marrying Guardiana instead. It takes a gnome to marry a gnome.

    82. Mr. and Mrs. J. Evil, "Snooper and Blabber." Yes, this was the first official married couple from HB. But they lacked the durability of the other couples.

    81. Gus and Laurie Holiday, "The Roman Holidays." This couple, along with Herman and Henrietta and Happius and Groovia, were good, but not good enough.

    80. Prince Triton and Lady Dorma, "The Fantastic Four." There was nothing Dorma wouldn't have done for love. But she had to find out the hard way that revenge wasn't the answer. Nonetheless, their love prevailed.

    79. Gary Gulliver and Flirtacia, "The Adventures Of Gulliver." Probably not a true couple, but at least Gary cared enough to save her from danger.

    78. Cyrano and Roxanne, "Cyrano." This did follow the original play, and it was perfect on H-B's part.

    77. Uncas and Alice Munro, "The Last Of The Mohicans." Although the ending was changed, it was a good idea, since I hate love ruined by tragedy.

    76. Master and Mistress Dreadly, "Oliver And The Artful Dodger." They were friendly and helpful, and while not the greatest couple in the HB library, memorable.

    75. Foofur and Dolly, "Foofur." Dogs in love are so cute.

    74. Fabian Quartz and Cindy Curbstone, "The Pebbles And Bamm-Bamm Show." They were a pretty good couple for the title characters' frenemies.

    73. Hawkman and Hawkgirl, "The All-New Superfriends Hour." The only husband and wife superhero team on the show. Strangely, while Hawkman returned for "Challenge Of The Superfriends," Hawkgirl didn't. I say she and another male Justice Leaguer should have been included so that it would thirteen vs. thirteen.

    72. George and Martha Slate, "The Flinstones." Yes, Fred's boss had a wife, but she was only there in a handful of episodes.

    71. Handy and Marina, "The Smurfs." A year before "Splash," and six years before "The Little Mermaid," Handy fell for this lovely mermaid. Ah, but he was unable to keep the relationship going, since she was a sea dweller, and he a land dweller.

    70. Pac Man And Ms. Pac Man. I'm only including them here because Pac-Man's my all-time favorite video game.

    69. The un-named lion and Edie, "The Flintstones." Although Edie was used to lure the big cat out of the Flintstones' house, he became smitten with her. Before long, they returned with their cubs!

    68. The Lovebirds, "The Magilla Gorilla Show." After Magilla went to a lot of trouble to recapture an escaped lovebird, Mr. Peebles brought in a mate for him. Although she was another nagging wife, I was able to see the humor in the fact that she was a bird.

    67. Mushmouse and Honey Bun, "Punkin Puss And Mush Mouse." Quite possibly the tiniest couple HB ever created(I never regarded Atom Ant and Anastasia Antnik as a true couple).

    66. Timmy's Parents, "A Christmas Story."

    65. Jimmy and Janie's parents, "The Thanksgiving That Almost Wasn't."

    64. Mr. And Mrs. Creeply, "Scooby's All-Star Laff-A-Lympics." Sure, they were an upgraded version of the Gruesomes, but that isn't reason enough to leave them off this list.

    63. Benton and Rachel Quest, "Johnny's Golden Quest." Too bad this marriage ended so tragically.

    62. Magilla Gorilla and Matilda Gorilla. A perfect match, until Matilda set her sights on King Bong.

    61. Cosmo and Stella Spacely, "The Jetsons." Another married boss. But Stella never liked it when her hubby sneaked off to a football game, or judged a beauty pageant.

    60. Mr. and Mrs. Millrock, "The Flinstones." Just another one-shot couple.

    59. Francis and Mary Cooke, "The Thanksgiving That Almost Wasn't." Their love was very evident.

    58. Dada and Mumsy Doo. Scooby's parents, who became recurring characters in the '80's.

    57. Paw and Maw Rugg, "The Hillbilly Bears." Gotta love 'em.

    56. Mac and Rosie, "The Jetsons." Who says robots can't fall in love?

    55. Emil and Drena Hartman, "Jonny Quest." Drena was so fearful for her husband's safety that she shed a tear after the Po-Ho's captured him.

    54. Louis and Annabelle, "Foofur." Louis cared deeply for Annabelle, so much so that he went all the way to London to rescue her once.

    53. Fritz-Carlos and Hazel," Foofur. Another likeable canine couple.

    52. Weirdly and Crepella Gruesome, "The Flintstones." Although they didn't have much screen time, they were very convincing.

    51. Gomez and Morticia Addams, "The Addams Family."

    50. Cindy Britton's parents, "The Runaways." Yes, I'm moving into live action here, but what the heck.

    49. Link Simmons and Leslie Hayden, "Danger Island." Same deal here.

    48. Kid Comet and Jan, "Space Stars." There was at least one episode that had them trying to go on a date.

    47. Reed and Sue Richards, "The Fantastic Four." Yes, I know this team was animated by other studios as well, but remember, HB was the first to bring them to the small screen.

    46. Sky Rocker and Judy Jetson, "Rockin' With Judy Jetson." Another movie length romance.

    45. Henry Fussy and Fern Arable, "Charlotte's Web." They became a couple about halfway through the film.

    44. Mr. And Mrs. Arable, "Charlotte's Web."

    43. Mr and Mrs. Zuckerman, "Charlotte's Web."

    42. Tom and any female cat he met in the shorts.

    41. Pierre and Goldie, "Top Cat." They were in just one episode, but I liked it.

    40. Mack and Molly Mange, AKA the Metallikats, "SWAT Kats: The Radical Squadron." Sure, they constantly gave T-Bone and Razor grief, but Molly showed her true devotion in the episode "Unlikely Alloys," when she insisted on letting them help her destroy the mechanical monster ZED. Why? Because it absorbed Mack along with other machines, and she wasn't about to lose her husband.

    39. Selwyn and Tallulah, "The Smurfs. They were always at each other's throats, but they invariably stopped their squabbling in order to rescue the Smurfs and their pet gargoyle Tharp.

    38. Fantastic Max's parents.

    37. Mr. And Mrs. Brown, "Paddington Bear."

    36. Wags And Sweets, "The Biskitts."

    35. Harry and Irma Boyle, "Wait Till Your Father Gets Home."

    34. Blitz Lumpkin and Pixley Trollsom, "Trollkins."

    33. Peter Perfect And Penelope Pitstop, "The Wacky Races."

    32. Butch Cassidy and Merilee, "Butch Cassidy And The Sundance Kids."

    31. Lori and Gator, "Inch High, Private Eye."

    30. Mr. and Mrs. Finkerton, "Inch High, Private Eye."

    29. Gorok and Gara, "Valley Of The Dinosaurs."

    28. Mark and Debbie, "Speed Buggy."

    27. Wheelie and Rota Ree, "Wheelie And The Chopper Bunch."

    26. Willie Sheeler and Dooley Lawrence, "Wonder Wheels."

    25. D'Artagnan and Lady Constance, "The Three Musketeers."

    24. The King and Queen of France, "The Three Musketeers."

    23. The King and Queen, "Yippie, Yappee, and Yahooey." The Queen only appeared in certain episodes.

    22. Frank and Hidea Frankenstone, "The Flintstones Comedy Show."

    21. The Rockulas, "The New Fred And Barney Show."

    20. Dino and Sassy, "The Flintstones."

    19. Dino and Mr. Loudrock's girl dog, " The Flinstones." Unlike Sassy, this female dino bore him puppies.

    18. Brian Foster and Casey Norton, "C.H.O.M.P.S." Another live action couple.

    17. Lok and Katie, "Valley Of The Dinosaurs."

    16. Jethro and Gruvella Hatrock, "The Flintstones." Tied with them, Quick Draw McGraw and Sagebrush Sal.

    15. Jet Screamer and Judy Jetson, "The Jetsons." Yes, it was only for one night, but man, oh, man was it ever memorable.

    14. Robin Hood and Maid Marian, "The Adventures Of Robin Hoodnik," and "Young Robin Hood."

    13. Woody and Laconia, "The Smurfs." As I mentioned in a previous thread, they were a perfect couple, and the only ones to ever say their wedding vows in sign language.

    12. Kent And Cherylla, "Wildfire." These two were kept apart when Diabolyn turned Kent into an ogre, but thankfully, the spell was broken, and they tied the knot.

    11. Yogi Bear And Cindy Bear. To think that there romance began at the circus in an early short. Then later, in "Hey, There It's Yogi Bear," Yogi proved his love by setting out to find her when he learned she'd disappeared. In this same film, Cindy intentionally stole a picnic basket so that she could be shipped off to the zoo, and be reunited with Yogi--who hadn't even gone there. He found her at the circus as an unwilling performer, and rescued her. After that, he and she appeared in the other iterations, a perfect ursine couple.

    10. Grandpa and Nanny, "The Smurfs." There was ample evidence the two oldest Smurfs were the only real couple in the village.

    9. John and Kim Butler, "Valley Of The Dinosaurs." John admitted in one episode that he married Kim for her brilliance and levelheadedness.

    8. George and Jane Jetson, "The Jetsons."

    7. Alan Mayberry and Josie McCoy, "Josie And The Pussycats"/Josie And The Pussycats In Outer Space." Nothing, not even Alexandra, could ever come between them.

    6. Zandor and Tara, "The Herculoids." A husband and wife unlike any other.

    5. Betty and Barney Rubble, "The Flinstones."

    4. Freddy Jones and Daphne Blake, "Scooby-Doo, Where Are You?" Notice that they often went together when the group split up.

    3. Fred And Wilma Flintstone, "The Flintstones." Their marriage endured, even when it seemed like they'd split up in "Flintstones On The Rocks."

    2. Race Bannon and Jezebel Jade Kenyon, "Jonny Quest." Both were tough and capable of taking on bad guys. Imagine my shock when later, in "Jonny's Golden Quest," it was revealed that she and Race were once married, and also Jessie Bradshaw's biological parents!

    1. Pebbles Flintstone and Bamm-Bamm Rubble. Talk about saving the best for last. This couple met as babies, ran away together when their parents began bickering, became superstars with the hit "Open Up Your Heart, And Let The Sun Shine In," became high school sweethearts, performed as part of The Bedrock Rockers, and last, but not least, married and had kids of their own.

    So there you have it. Feel free to express your thoughts about all this.
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2015
  2. artytoons

    artytoons Administrator I SUPPORT BCDB! Forum Member New Member

    Nov 5, 2013
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    On Barney Rubble and Betty... They did prove to be a good contrast to bombastic Fred Flintstone and sweet if volatile Wilma. Barney can be bumbling and a little too laidback when compared to Fred while Betty seemed to have more of a sense of good-natured humor to put up with goofy Barney than Wilma might have.
  3. Bobby Bickert

    Bobby Bickert Inbetweener Forum Member New Member

    Sep 13, 2014
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  4. Bobby Bickert

    Bobby Bickert Inbetweener Forum Member New Member

    Sep 13, 2014
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  5. oneuglybunny

    oneuglybunny Moderator Staff Member Forum Member

    Nov 3, 2013
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    Just speculating here, but as to Bunny Hug dumping Ricochet Rabbit for an outlaw: All Girls Want Bad Boys.

    As for myself, I'd pull Reed Richards + Susan Storm Richards, a/k/a Mister Fantastic and the invisible Girl, higher on the list. The two were actually married, Sue was there for Reed during their fateful launch into the cosmic radiation, and she could fight alongside the boys, though usually invisible and using feminine fight techniques that won't break her fingernails or muss her hair. To be fair, Sue Richards has had a lot of character development, until even Doctor Doom regards her as a worthy adversary.
  6. emeraldisle

    emeraldisle Moderator Staff Member I SUPPORT BCDB!

    Nov 3, 2013
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    Well, perhaps. You noticed, too, that aside from the Moles and the Manges, there were no criminal couples on the list.
  7. oneuglybunny

    oneuglybunny Moderator Staff Member Forum Member

    Nov 3, 2013
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    Good point. Just out of curiosity, Em: how do you ship Jake Clawson and Chance Furlong with Faux Action Girl Callie Briggs and Affirmative Action Girl Felina Feral?
  8. emeraldisle

    emeraldisle Moderator Staff Member I SUPPORT BCDB!

    Nov 3, 2013
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    Truth be told, I never considered those as true couples. Others I never saw as lovers include Captain Majors and Dr. Darien, Vapor Man and Gravity Girl, and Jana and Ben Cooper.
  9. emeraldisle

    emeraldisle Moderator Staff Member I SUPPORT BCDB!

    Nov 3, 2013
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    Other noteworthy HB couples include Popeye and Olive, Bluto and Lizzie, Jor-El and Lara, and, from the live action film "The Gathering," Adam and Kate Thorton. Plus all the couples from "The Greatest Adventure: Stories From The Bible." Adam and Eve, Samson and Delilah, Noah and his wife and his sons and their wives, and of course, Joseph and Mary.
  10. James Vipond

    James Vipond Intern Forum Member New Member

    Nov 9, 2013
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    Do you consider Richie Rich and Gloria Glad to be a couple?
  11. emeraldisle

    emeraldisle Moderator Staff Member I SUPPORT BCDB!

    Nov 3, 2013
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    Well, maybe, but if so, they're the youngest one.

    And I also keep forgetting the animated Darrin and Samantha Stevens from the opening of "Bewitched," as well as the Flintstones episode "Samantha."
  12. Bobby Bickert

    Bobby Bickert Inbetweener Forum Member New Member

    Sep 13, 2014
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    If you're going to include animated characters from the openings of live action sitcoms...

    (Supposedly these were made by the Hanna-Barbera unit at MGM.)
  13. Bobby Bickert

    Bobby Bickert Inbetweener Forum Member New Member

    Sep 13, 2014
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    And a closing I couldn't fit into the above post:

  14. emeraldisle

    emeraldisle Moderator Staff Member I SUPPORT BCDB!

    Nov 3, 2013
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    I also keep forgetting Big Mouth and Big Nose from "The Smurfs."
  15. BloodyChamp

    BloodyChamp Apprentice Forum Member New Member

    Dec 10, 2014
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    That was hilarious. Now where is the 1 where the child wrote Cartoon Network asking why the HB Bears are never on anymore?

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