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Calliou (1997-2010) Your Thoughts?

Discussion in 'Other / Multiple Studios' started by Dave Koch, Nov 3, 2013.

  1. Dave Koch

    Dave Koch Cartoon Admin

    Oct 27, 2013
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    OK, what do you guys here think of this show called Calliou.

    Hmm, based on some very old reivews and says from adults who are even parents who have watched this show, it seems the negative reception (let alone bad example) from this show was based on was actually mainly from the first season of the program, here in those episodes (where Calliou mostly wore a gray shirt) Calliou apparently screams, cries, throws huge tempertantrums and therefore as it leads even bullies not just his sister Rosie (oh, come on i've seen one episode where he pinches Rosie as a two year old for no reason and then says that he does not like her at all and also one where he hits her with a book, dear goodness and then we he sees Rosie with a green teddy bear hand me down he starts crying and YELLS and wants it back) but to his friends as well, especially Clemintine (as i remember of a viewing on Teletoon from defiently 2003 where Calliou buillied Clemintine from playing with his Teddy Bear out of boredom of no permission because Calliou only wanted to play Dinosaurs rather than playing a sharing game with her)and the main problem to that is that the Mother and Father in this show don't actually really do anything besides just giving Lectures, Talking and Weak Questions as to why he/she did this and that, even Scolding is not enough (however, there were a few episodes where they were a bit close against Calliou, specifically the one with the Circus with the Father), so therefore Calliou's parents in this show are really absent minded dummies who don't actually know how to REALLY handle brats like Calliou (who is actually very much like Angelica from Rugrats, only that character works better because the parents, even adults, in that show are indeed NOT as ditzy and dumb like the ones on Calliou's show)

    Let's say you replace Calliou's parents and instead on loan as babysitters with say Grandpa Abe Simpson alone (all from The Simpsons) or even that Myron character alone from the Plot Sickens (a Modern Madcap from 1961 written by the Talented Irving Spector who did goregous and stuning comic and character artwork which is miles ahead better than the art in Calliou's show) and then let either one of them watch one of Calliou's actions i mentioned previously, well I say with Grandpa Abe Simpson, it would have been more than what Calliou's idiot parents usually give him, Calliou could be in for such the trouble and dire punishment in his whole lifetime, such as getting spanked obviously, have his whole stuff handed down to his little Rosie and especially even the characters that Calliou has bullied in the past, sent to reform school, get whipped and bonked in the head with a cane and even get severly strangeled (by Abe) even worse than than Bart in a way imaginable.

    Annnnd, speaking of The Simpsons, Calliou from the first season is also closely traited to how Homer Simpson was depicted when mainly Mike Scully was in charge (though it also shows up in a few episodes David Mirkin and a few pre-Oakely Weinstien people handled, such as Joy of Sect) called Jerkhead Homer (abbreavation spelled and known for fans as JAH, but actually to me this is all just a acryonm code that means nothing), because it should be noted exactly as soon as they switch Calliou's voice actor to Bryn McAuley to Jacylin Linetsky (who's life was also totalled in the automobile in which she was in that got totalled in the car crash) and change his shirt from gray to the more familiar yellow that they also changed his personality to make the show more educational, meaning that he does not (or really seldom) throws any tempertantrums and fits, barely gets upest and rarely screams and therfore rarely cries unless something specifially nessacary like really painful moments involving really bad accidents or a baby bird dying, but we defiently don't see him bullying anymore and doing any acts that that anymore either, with Jacyln Linetsky as the character from Season 2 (2000) and Season 3 (2001) his personailty became really mild and milder, untill it got to the point in Season 4 (2005, animation also changed to Adobe Flash as a result and the animation was done by PIP Animation Services in Canada) where his personality became really really generic and softer as a result, also due to Jacyln Linetsky's fated death as she's no longer with us anymore in the earth, Anne Boivard assumed the voice of Calliou, adding to the result.

    What's strange about that is that while it may make Calliou as absent minded as his parents (who pretty much have stayed the same ever since), Calliou actually got pretty smarter as well not to mention more cheerful and brighter as well (compared to the first season Jerkhead Calliou who was also extremely dumb and really even more stupid than his little sister and even dumber and more braindeaded than even Odie from Garfield), also by the fifth season (2009-2010 the animation is now by Clockwork Zoo in Africa who also co-produces this season) we also don't see Rosie cry and throw any fits as much anymore either.

    And i will also talk about the animation before Adobe Flash (contray to Wikipedia it was NEVER done in Korea in any way imaginable) and art directon - the First Season animation was done at Shanghai Morning Sun Animation (who also did Dinobabies and was a sub studio of Morning Sun which did Secret World of Santa Claus, D'Myna Leagues, Paddington Bear with Wang Film Productions and was previously a subcontactor for Walt Disney Japan) as i remember from watching the show EVEN as a kid, the animation was actually borderline and heavily EXTREME, really clunky, choppy, dull and extremely rushedly crudely executed movemets and also even the art direction which was already child-made junk to begin with (even including the begining storyteller grandma and kids parts drawn diffrently by the way) namely the extremely and obviosly hurried (one word of that sums up everything of the backgrounds in general, the rest are the characters mainly and even objects) , crude, amateurish, really lousy, very bland and sterile, obviously tacky and extremely sloppy aspects of it taken to an EXTREME ALL TIME HIGH!!!!

    In fact, some of it actually resembled how certain AoSTH episodes were executed namely High Stakes Sonic and Close Encounters of the Sonic Kind, speaking of Sonic, i would not be suprised if Calliou from Season 1 was really actually Doctor Robotnik in a high tech kid suit because even the movements Calliou would make would be like a disguise ready to come off and robotnik to stretch out and reveal himself, talking about the scene were Calliou was walking to throw his racing car before he saw that teddy bear shirt Rosie was wearing.

    OK, the second season animation of the show was done at SMECC Animation Services from Tapei, Tawain (who's credits included Harry and His Bucketful of Dinosaurs) , all i could say was that it was obviously better than the previous season and much more solid, plus i could say is that it actually resemembled and reminded me so much of Wang Film Productions' work on Inspector Gadget and even on some of The Jetsons Movie (which also had animation done in the States besides Wang) including also Pinky and the Brain.

    I also would imagine Wang actually really doing some work on Calliou at some point in the second season as well.

    And lastly the animation for the third season is done at Shanghai Yilemi (i think i misspelt their name) Animation Services (who is not really known much) and it was more or less the same as the previous season execpt in place of the Wang Film Productions reminder that it was even more stiffer than the previous one, for a few points.

    And theme tunes of the show were done by Leon Arnoson, who in the later foruth and fifith seasons did really catchy and chillax-vibe stuff that had lots of charm, specficially a happy dreamy kid charm.

    And for now this is all i can say, let's hear your thoughts.

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